Notice : The best time to visit Kanha National Park is between October and March, in winter, as the weather becomes pleasant this time. !

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

We express our heartiest welcome to Kanha National Park safari and tour package booking (website). The domain name is owned by Capital based travel operator “MS Pvt Ltd”. Here we use the word or term "You" that refers to the direct user or viewer of the website, if you will use the service given by this website it means you will agreed with all our terms and conditions.

1. Kindly note the Cancellation Rule for Kanha Safari Booking

Travellers those who have booked Jeep or Elephant safari through our portal need to reach via in email writing mentioned at contact us page.

  • If you are cancelling your jeep ride its amount is non-refundable
  • Tour package cancellation Before 5 days only 40% amount is refundable
  • Before 2 days or less than that no cancellation policy is applied

2. Our Liabilities and Limitations

Please note that after you finalize the tour/service cost and in case if there are any hikes in permit fees of safaris/ taxes, fuel cost or other charges the same would be charged as extra to visitors.

We shall not be responsible for any delays & alterations in the programme or expenses incurred - directly or indirectly - due to natural calamity, flight cancellations, accident, breakdown of machinery or equipment’s, breakdown of transport, weather, sickness, landslides, political closures or any untoward incidents.

We shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage to person, property, or otherwise in connection with any accommodation, transportation or other services, resulting - directly or indirectly - from any act of GOD, dangers, fire, accident, breakdown in machinery or equipment, breakdown of transport, wars, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, pilferages, epidemics, medical or custom department regulations, defaults, or any other causes beyond our control.

We do not have any insurance policy covering the expenses for accident, sickness, loss due to theft, or any other reasons. Visitors are advised to seek such insurance arrangements in their home country. All baggage's & personal property/s at all times are at the client's risk.