Notice : The best time to visit Kanha National Park is between October and March, in winter, as the weather becomes pleasant this time. !

Frequently Asked Questions for Kanha National Park

FAQ for Kanha National Park

Here are some frequently asked questions about Kanha National Park :

Q: Where is Kanha National Park located?

Kanha National Park is located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is situated in theMaikal range of Satpura hills.

Q: What is the best time to visit Kanha National Park?

The best time to visit Kanha National Park is during the months of October to June. The park remains closed for visitors from July to September due to the monsoon season.

Q: How do I reach Kanha National Park?

The nearest airport to Kanha National Park is Jabalpur Airport, which is approximately 170 kilometers away. The nearest railway station is Jabalpur, which is well-connected to major cities in India. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the national park.

Q: Is there any accommodation available in Kanha National Park?

Yes, there are several accommodation options available in and around Kanha National Park. These include luxury resorts, hotels, lodges, and forest rest houses. It is advisable to make prior bookings, especially during the peak season.


Q: What is the entry fee for Kanha National Park?

The entry fee for Kanha National Park varies for Indian and foreign nationals. The fees also depend on the type of safari, such as Jeep safari or elephant safari. It is recommended to check the official website or contact the park authorities for the current entry fee details.

Q: Can I book safaris in advance?

Yes, it is highly recommended to book your safaris in advance, as the number of vehicles allowed inside the park is limited. You can either book the safari through the official website or contact the park authorities for assistance.

Q: What wildlife can I expect to see in Kanha National Park?

Kanha National Park is known for its rich biodiversity. Some of the commonly spotted wildlife species include tigers, leopards, Indian bison (gaur), sambar deer, spotted deer, wild boars, langurs, and various bird species.

Q: Are there any restrictions inside the park?

Yes, there are certain rules and regulations that visitors need to follow inside Kanha National Park. These include maintaining silence, not littering, not feeding animals, and not getting off the designated safari tracks. Smoking and consuming alcohol are also prohibited.

Q: Can I hire a guide for the safari?

Yes, it is advisable to hire a trained guide for your safari. The guides are knowledgeable about the park's flora and fauna and can enhance your wildlife viewing experience.

Q: Are there any trekking options in Kanha National Park?

Trekking is not allowed inside the core zones of Kanha National Park. However, there are nature trails and walking paths available in the buffer zones where visitors can explore the surroundings on foot.