Notice : The best time to visit Kanha National Park is between October and March, in winter, as the weather becomes pleasant this time. !

Fauna Found in Kanha National Park

Fauna Found in Kanha National Park

Kanha National Park, located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, is one of the most renowned tiger reserves and national parks in India. Spread over an area of approximately 940 square kilometers (363 square miles), the park is known for its diverse wildlife and rich biodiversity. Here is a detailed overview of the fauna found in Kanha National Park:

Tigers : Kanha National Park is famous for its significant tiger population and is recognized as one of the best places in India to spot these majestic creatures. The park has been instrumental in the conservation and protection of the Bengal tiger, and visitors have a good chance of encountering these magnificent animals in their natural habitat.

Leopards : Along with tigers, Kanha is also home to a substantial population of leopards. Although leopards are known for their elusive nature, they can be spotted in the park, especially during the early morning or late evening hours.


Indian Gaur (Bison): Kanha National Park is known for its thriving population of Indian gaurs, also known as Indian bison. These massive herbivores are the largest species of wild cattle and can be seen grazing in meadows and open grasslands within the park.

Barasingha (Swamp Deer): One of the most iconic and endangered species found in Kanha is the Barasingha, also known as the swamp deer. Kanha National Park has played a crucial role in the conservation of the Barasingha population, and it is one of the few places where this deer species can be found in significant numbers.

Sambar Deer: Sambar deer are another common sight in Kanha National Park. They are the largest deer species found in India and are known for their impressive antlers. Sambar deer can be spotted near water bodies and in dense forested areas.

Spotted Deer (Chital): Chital, also known as the Indian spotted deer, are one of the most abundant deer species in Kanha National Park. They have beautiful white spots on their reddish-brown coat, making them easily identifiable. Chital are usually found in large herds grazing in the open grasslands.

Wild Boar : The wild boar is a common and widely distributed animal in Kanha National Park. These omnivorous creatures can be seen foraging in the forest floor, searching for roots, tubers, and other plant matter.

Sloth Bear : Kanha is also home to the elusive sloth bear, a nocturnal and solitary animal. Although sightings of sloth bears are relatively rare, the park provides suitable habitat for these shaggy-coated mammals.

Indian Wild Dog (Dhole) : The Indian wild dog, also known as the dhole, is an endangered carnivore found in Kanha National Park. These highly social and cooperative hunters can be seen in packs, often pursuing their prey with remarkable agility.

Various Species of Primates : Kanha is inhabited by different species of primates, including the common langur and the rhesus macaque. These playful and agile animals can be seen swinging through the trees and interacting with each other.

Apart from these prominent species, Kanha National Park also hosts a wide range of reptiles, amphibians, birds, and smaller mammals, contributing to its overall biodiversity. Visitors to the park can also spot animals like Indian pangolins, porcupines, jackals, jungle cats, striped hyenas, and various species of snakes and birds.

It's important to note that wildlife sightings can vary, and the chances of spotting specific animals depend on various factors such as season, time of day, weather conditions, and individual luck. Local guides and naturalists can provide valuable assistance in maximizing the chances of encountering the wild animals.