Notice : The best time to visit Kanha National Park is between October and March, in winter, as the weather becomes pleasant this time. !

Welcome to Kanha National Park

Kanha National Park, located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, is one of the most renowned wildlife reserves in the country. It is spread across an area of approximately 940 square kilometers (363 square miles) and is considered one of the largest national parks in India. This national park is popular across the globe due to some important key features like its diverse biodiversity. Its rich biodiversity and is home to various species of flora and fauna. It provides a natural habitat for many endangered species, including the Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, sloth bear, Indian wild dog (dhole), and Indian bison (gaur). The park is also famous for its population of Barasingha, also known as the "swamp deer," which is the state animal of Madhya Pradesh.

Landscape is another noticeable point about Kanha National Park. Characterized by its diverse landscapes, including lush sal and bamboo forests, grassy meadows, and ravines. The picturesque landscapes make it a favorite destination for nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers.

Kanha National Park played a significant role in the conservation of tigers in India. It was one of the first tiger reserves established under Project Tiger, an initiative launched in 1973 to protect the endangered Bengal tiger. The park has been successful in tiger conservation and has contributed to the growth of the tiger population in the region.

Visitors can explore Kanha National Park through jeep safaris organized by the park authorities. These safaris offer an opportunity to observe wildlife in their natural habitat. The park is divided into zones, and each zone has designated routes for safaris to ensure optimal wildlife viewing experiences.Apart from wildlife, Kanha National Park has other attractions as well. BamniDadar, also known as the "Sunset Point," offers panoramic views of the park and is a popular spot for witnessing breathtaking sunsets. The Kanha Museum provides insights into the park's flora, fauna, and tribal culture.The park authorities and local communities have taken various measures to conserve the biodiversity of Kanha National Park. Efforts include anti-poaching drives, community-based conservation programs, and initiatives promoting sustainable tourism practices.

When planning a visit to Kanha National Park, it is best practice to check our official website or contact the tour experts for the latest information on entry permits, safari bookings, and guidelines for visitors.The best time to visit Kanha National Park is during the winter months (November to February) when the weather is pleasant, and wildlife sightings are more common.


History in National Park

Kanha National Park, located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, has a rich history that spans several decades. The park is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna, including its population of Bengal tigers. Let's explore the history of Kanha National Park:

Early history : The region where Kanha National Park is situated has a long history of human habitation. It was inhabited by indigenous tribal communities, including the Gond and Baiga tribes, who coexisted with the wildlife in the area.

Formation of the park : Kanha National Park was initially established as a wildlife sanctuary in 1933 under the name "Banjar Valley Wildlife Sanctuary." It covered an area of about 250 square kilometers (97 square miles) in the Banjar and Halon valleys.

Expansion and renaming : In 1955, the sanctuary was expanded and renamed as "Kanha National Park." The park now covers an area of approximately 940 square kilometers (363 square miles) and includes the core zone as well as the buffer zone.

Conservation efforts : Kanha National Park gained significant attention for its conservation efforts, particularly in the preservation of the Bengal tiger population. It played a crucial role in the successful "Project Tiger" initiative launched in 1973 by the Government of India to protect tigers and their habitats.

UNESCO recognition : In 1974, Kanha National Park was declared a Tiger Reserve and was later included in the famous "Tiger Conservation Project." The park gained international recognition when it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1973 for its exceptional biodiversity.


More About Kanha National Park

Over the years, Kanha National Park has become a popular tourist destination, attracting wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and photographers from around the world. The park authorities have implemented various measures to manage visitor activities and ensure sustainable ecotourism practices.

Biodiversity and notable species : Kanha National Park is renowned for its diverse ecosystems, which include lush forests, grassy meadows, and bamboo thickets. The park is home to numerous species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Apart from the Bengal tiger, it is known for its populations of leopards, wild dogs, sloth bears, barasingha (swamp deer), and many other species.

Cultural significance : Kanha National Park and its surrounding areas have cultural and historical significance as well. The region has been mentioned in ancient Indian texts and folklore. It is believed to have inspired Rudyard Kipling's famous novel, "The Jungle Book," as the author spent time in the region during his travels.

Today, Kanha National Park remains a vital stronghold for the conservation of wildlife, particularly the Bengal tiger, and continues to attract visitors who appreciate its natural beauty and abundant biodiversity. Efforts are ongoing to preserve and protect this important ecosystem for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions for Kanha National Park

Q: Where is Kanha National Park located?

Kanha National Park is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. It is situated in the Maikal Hills of the Satpura Range.

Q: How do I reach Kanha National Park?

The nearest airport to Kanha National Park is Jabalpur Airport, which is approximately 170 kilometers away. Another option is the Raipur Airport, which is about 220 kilometers away. Both airports have regular domestic flights. From the airports, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the park. The nearest railway station is Gondia, which is well-connected to major cities in India.

Q: What is the best time to visit Kanha National Park?

The best time to visit Kanha National Park is during the months of November to March. The weather during this time is pleasant, and it is the ideal time for wildlife sightings. The park remains closed during the monsoon season from July to mid-October.

Q: Are there any accommodations available in Kanha National Park?

Yes, there are several accommodations available near Kanha National Park. These include luxury resorts, jungle lodges, and budget hotels. It is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially during the peak season, to ensure availability.

Q: Can I do a safari in Kanha National Park?

Yes, safaris are one of the main attractions of Kanha National Park. Jeep safaris and elephant safaris are organized by the park authorities. The park is divided into different zones, and visitors can explore these zones during the safaris. It is advisable to book your safari in advance to secure your spot.

Q: What kind of wildlife can I expect to see in Kanha National Park?

Kanha National Park is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to various species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. The park is famous for its tiger population and is one of the best places in India to spot tigers in the wild. Other commonly spotted animals include Indian gaur (bison), sloth bear, leopard, barasingha (swamp deer), sambar deer, and various species of monkeys and birds.

Q: Are there any guidelines or restrictions for visitors to Kanha National Park?

Yes, there are certain guidelines and restrictions for visitors to ensure the safety of both wildlife and tourists. Some common guidelines include maintaining silence during the safari, not littering, not feeding animals, and not getting off the designated paths or trails. It is important to follow the instructions given by the park authorities and guides during the safari.

Q: Can I hire a guide for my visit to Kanha National Park?

Yes, it is advisable to hire a guide for your visit to Kanha National Park. The guides are knowledgeable about the park, its wildlife, and the best spots for sightings. They can enhance your experience and provide valuable information during the safari.